Lawsuits Against NYS

Renaissance is dedicated to our fight to restore and preserve the second amendment. Below you will find a list of suits that we have filed against various entities that are violating your civil rights.

These are funded by people like you through our GoFundme campaign. Please consider donating here:

Donations are on a non-subscription basis so please feel free to give as little and as often as you wish.

  1. V. Suffolk County Pistol Bureau

RFI joins a group of prospective students to allow for handgun training in Suffolk County BEFORE a pistol permit is issued as allowed under NYS 265.20 3-a. This suit also seeks to expedite the permitting process and reduce or eliminate the requirements for a Concealed Carry license.

Original Complaint Filed

Movement for Injunctive Relief

SCPD Reply Doc 1 of 2

SCPD Reply Doc 2 or 2

Our Rebuttal Doc 1 of 1

Check Back on this page for case updates as well as new cases that are in the process of being filed.

We are willing to put in the time to take this all the way back to the Supreme court (who is on our side) as long as funding allows. You can help us here:

Thank you; together we can beat them!