Ron Ingram

Few people are as intimately familiar with the Appalachian Mountain range as Ron Ingram. Born in Virginia and growing up in Central Pennsylvania, Ron spent the early years of his life hunting small game with various firearms types. As life went on his hunting adventures led him to the pursuit of whitetail deer and eventually the incredibly challenging sport of predator hunting, as he pursues elusive coyote on a near weekly basis.
Life brought Ron to a 9 year Air Force career where he served through Operation Desert Storm. His time spent honing mechanical skills in the armed forces set to groundwork for building custom AR-15s and AR-10s along with precision long range ammo, enabling his builds to reach out further than most believe these platforms are capable of.
Today Ron is on the pro staff for Riton Optics where his role as brand ambassador has him testing the newest gear in a variety of long range shooting competitions. When we isn’t shooting or hunting Ron can be found (or usually not) hiking off the grid and enjoying everything that the outdoors has to offer.